Eva Karia
What does it mean to be alive?

Hello! If you are reading this chances are you are in a difficult time in your life. I'm glad you are not wanting to stay alone with it. Now is the time to see how to cope with what is going on and maybe even discover something meaningful and, dare I say it, wonderful in what is happening. This isn't to gloss over the pain and horror that is part of what we as human beings have to deal with. Psychotherapy offers a safe space in which to explore the heavy and the light.
I support individuals to overcome difficulties
and feel at home and happy in their own skin.
And I support people in relationship to have a better connection and better sex.
Q & A
How can you help me with where I am at?
I believe that you have everything you need. I see my role as that of facilitator- I bring awareness to what is going on so that you are able to engage with the totality of the situation. By giving voice and attention to the body experiences, feelings, thoughts and facts, the welcome and the not so welcome ones, a way forward often emerges organically. There is creativity in the chaos.
I will support you to step into the unknown and will show up as a committed companion, through using my skills and also by being myself.
What issues can I bring?
I am trained to work with the whole range of human emotions and experiences. I do not specialise in a single issue. I have supported clients with mental health diagnoses, self esteem issues, relationship difficulties, addictions, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, sexual abuse, trauma, gender, existential issues, sexual difficulties and the pain of bereavement.
I work with individuals, couples, people in polyamorous or other forms of consensual non monogamy and groups.
I welcome people of all sexual orientations, genders, ethnic backgrounds, faiths, abilities and relationship styles.
I am sex positive and kink aware.
How do you work?
My training is in Processwork or Process oriented psychology. Processwork is essentially an awareness paradigm. It is based on the fundamental belief that every difficulty contains the seeds to its own solution. Its methods reflect a dedication to accurately following the way of nature, while bringing awareness into the patterns structuring our lives; including those parts normally unseen, unappreciated, disturbing or marginalized. Bringing awareness into this interaction, a surprising and crazy wisdom emerges and a creative way forward in even the most difficult situations.
This approach is by its nature trauma-sensitive and inclusive of our whole selves. As a passionate learner I continuously deepen my skills and bring in complementary tools and up to date knowledge from neuroscience and trauma research.
What our work looks like in practice is different each time. I closely track signals in you and me to notice what is trying to unfold, and support that to happen in the channel it occurs. This means we might have a conversation, or we might tune into our bodies and use movements or sound. This may sound exciting or terrifying to you- we will find a way to both respect your needs where you are at, and also to explore what lies beyond the familiar and comfortable. By showing up to what is happening in the moment and finding out how this relates to the problem or question you came with, sessions tend to feel alive and sometimes even mysterious, as we aren't just talking theoretically about something out there.
I invite you to experience this firsthand- book an introductory session and see what it is like- there is no obligation to continue and you will have a much clearer idea.
Text or give me a ring on 07981623981 or email me on eva(at)evakaria.com to book a session or to find out more.
If you need urgent support I recommend these practitioners:
Sanjay Karia is brilliant working with individuals and couples, with childhood issues, self esteem, anxiety, depression, parenting, relationship and attachment related work.
Click here to see a list of qualified Process Workers in the UK, who also see clients online. This page shows a list of trainee therapists, trained to a high level, available to see clients.
Sessions take place on Zoom, on the phone or face to face in Horsley GL6, after prior arrangement and provided none of us have any Covid related symptoms.
I have over 10 years experience in offering remote therapy via zoom/ on the phone.
The session is 50 minutes long.
Do video-conferencing sessions work?
For many people Video-conferencing or phone sessions can be an excellent way to get support. It gives you the freedom to find the right person for you irrespective of where you live, and you can have a session from the comfort of your own home or another safe space of your choosing. There are of course limitations with working online or on the phone: movement work is harder remotely, and we experience less of each other. On the other hand, for some people working remotely is a relief because it can make it feel safer to talk about some things that feel very scary or embarrassing. If you are wondering about this I suggest you give it a go and see how it works. I have been both a therapist and a client on many online and phone sessions, with individuals and couples, and have found it to be an effective way to work. Some of my clients work exclusively via video conferencing, others meet me in person once in a while.