Eva Karia
Data protection is an important concern. As I am not a company but operate as psychotherapist and facilitator on my own, I strive to bring integrity and personal attention to everything I do. Working part-time, I may sometimes be slow but I do my best to keep up to date and I do operate in reasonable time frames.
About Collecting Personal Information
I keep personal information purely to communicate with you about upcoming events, plus personal sharing and letting you know of other connected local events that I believe may be of interest. I will never share personal data with others (unless requested by you or discussed with you in advance for a specific purpose).
My mailing system records include your name, email address and phone number, plus a record of groups attended, and what you have expressed interest in attending.
If you are receiving my emails, this will be because at one time or another, you sent me an enquiry, wanting more information or have been to an event or group of mine. You may have sent an email, filled in a ‘contact me’ form on my website, booked onto a group or for a private session, phoned or texted me, or enquired via Facebook. If you would rather not receive this information, please let me know. You can do so by sending me an email with the word 'unsubscribe'.
What personal information is collected?
I don’t take anything you don’t voluntarily share with me — I never participate in “data mining” to collect personal data.
Some of the data that I may ask you for (this is not an exhaustive list):
Phone Number
Email address
How you found out about me
Other contact information
Psychotherapy clients are also asked for further personal information that is
relevant for our work together- I keep this in an anonimysed encrypted form in an electronic file that is kept apart from your identifying details. This information is kept entirely separate from any data I hold for the purposes of email contact.
How personal information is used
First and foremost, I use the data to be able to contact you with information about sessions or groups I run that you asked me about and other related upcoming events. Personal information is used in order to give the most appropriate support in the case of psychotherapy clients.
Your contact details and workshop attendance is stored on my computer in a secure file. I may ask you to endorse a testimonial, only if you choose to offer this. There is no paper storage of information, with the exception of current client contact details, which are held in a locked safe.
I don’t share your information
This means I don’t consciously give out or sell your information to other companies or individuals that would then market to you. Never.
Security and Protection
I use tools and third party companies that are committed to high levels of security encryption. I am not an encryption or data security expert and I am basically trusting these services to provide the high levels of security they are claiming to. All technology is kept up-to-date in as reasonable time-frame as is possible. I do occasionally research the companie's reputation and will switch providers should the one I am using be problematic.
It’s your data, you retain control
You can unsubscribe at any time. You may let me know that you don’t wish me to use your data and I will honour your request.
You can ask to be entirely deleted from my system and you would be removed from my marketing or client delivery systems as entirely as I can do that without compromising my tax records.
Bear in mind that I am one person, not a company. The spirit behind the sessions I offer and groups and workshops I run is based on integrity and connection- and I do my best to live that in my admin also.